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9월, 2019의 게시물 표시

“The world has made but soon will disappear”

“The world has made but soon will disappear” Seyoung Lee The world has made but soon will disappear The flowers came over wind with the scent Among the wind, we’re able to breathe since then, Beloved nature, would like to be a tree Counting on stars, I will name it right after you Everything in the world has uneven ground While only love gives you just more than wounds Broaden your world and emotions and power But soon the stars and wind and all be gone,                                                                                                                  Still, the words you’ve bloomed, are glowing on the field Standing, putting down my soul on the region Now ready to let thou go, and struggling to try thou yield Didn’t meant to love the world and plunge on, I’ve loved you with my whole heart, just you weren’t part of me.

Still, it’s Chuseok

N-Seoul Tower You are slowly walking up the stairs to the N-Seoul tower with warm sunlight. Stopping for a moment, when you turn around, you can see the whole view of Seoul. It looks like the city is in your small hand, and even touch the small houses from street to street. For every Chuseok , you stick on the road with lots of cars, but now you are watching those tiny ant-like cars from the mountain with a relaxed face. Starting up the stairs again, you can hear the laughter of passing people: a woman who is taking a walk with her dog, a big family who took their grandparents and great-grand parents together to the mountain, and couples from various countries. You can feel various types of Chuseok nearby your skin. One impressive family that you remember, w hile climbing up the stairs, is a family with a young boy who seems to be disabled. Even there are a hundred or more steps in front of them, they seem like the happiest family at that moment. You wonder how they could b

Leisurely Life

I have lived this whole 18 years believing that I am living a leisurely life. By the fact that I can do what I want to do, go anywhere I want, and have many friends whom I really can trust, I believed that I am mentally, and externally living a leisurely life. However, after talking with my friends, I found myself throwing a question that is I living a leisurely life now. As many people say in common, I also believe that someone who is mentally relaxed is living a leisurely life. There could be people who have lots of time to spare, however, if they don’t have any place in their mind to spare and enjoy themselves, that ‘time’ will never be the leisure time that they can enjoy entirely. That ‘spare time’ that is left for those people, will instead become a disconcerting factor for them. Then what will be a meaning of a ‘leisurely time’? After talking and thinking about the definition, for me, the leisurely time is not only the time, but also the status that I can enjoy the t

My Lollipop Moment

So, what's your lollipop moment? When we hear this question, we might think that what she is talking about. In a TED talk, "Everyday Leadership" by Drew Dudley, he talks about the 'Lollipop moment." Lollipop moment is the moment that you can inspire someone and make their life better. He says that leadership should have the same meaning as this 'lollipop moment.' This could be a big thing or rather be a small step for somebody. After listening to his TED talk, I've wondered if I had a lollipop moment in my life. As I reminiscence my life, I couldn't remember if I received such a lollipop moment for someone. Maybe I did, but I've never heard from others that I gave them a lollipop moment yet. So, I started to think of if I got the lollipop moment from somebody. Then, one memory suddenly came up in my mind. This moment might seem like the lollipop moment that I gave to him, but I think it was the moment I got the lollipop from him. One