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My Lollipop Moment

So, what's your lollipop moment?

When we hear this question, we might think that what she is talking about.
In a TED talk, "Everyday Leadership" by Drew Dudley, he talks about the 'Lollipop moment." Lollipop moment is the moment that you can inspire someone and make their life better. He says that leadership should have the same meaning as this 'lollipop moment.' This could be a big thing or rather be a small step for somebody.

After listening to his TED talk, I've wondered if I had a lollipop moment in my life. As I
reminiscence my life, I couldn't remember if I received such a lollipop moment for someone. Maybe I did, but I've never heard from others that I gave them a lollipop moment yet.

So, I started to think of if I got the lollipop moment from somebody. Then, one memory suddenly came up in my mind. This moment might seem like the lollipop moment that I gave to him, but I think it was the moment I got the lollipop from him.

One of my friends told me about his whole life story after listening to the worries of my KMLA life.
" Since I was in elementary school, I moved a lot. I moved about 10 times or maybe more than 10 times. And I went to the middle school that had dormitory, then I came here, KMLA. My whole life had been so chaotic, and my world is much smaller than other friends who have many friends. So I looked over my life, and I found that I have some friends, not much but a few friends that I trust, and don't treat them to get some profits or make myself beneficial. And one of them is you, Seyoung. I think I'm really lucky that I've met you, OOO, OOO, and OOO. That's why I keep worrying about you and telling you to do something and move forward. I don't want you to struggle with some problems, and I don't want to see you struggling because of those small emotional problems. You are a really valuable person more than you think yourself."
This short conversation made me think a lot and felt like I was hitten by small pebbles. And soon, I was confused if I was a valuable person to somebody or not. After reflecting on myself, I realized that I was such a small person who had narrow sight and timid mindset. The problems that I was struggling with were just an easy problem that will be solved if I turn my point of view. It was not the problem that occurred by other people but from me. Then I finally realized that I didn't recognize my dear friends well even though I had them around. I was so obsessed with small things and losing the precious things that I was used to. His words changed me a lot. My narrow aspects, timid mindsets, and even my actions. Now, I still care about small happenings and worry about that much, whenever I face those situations, I think a bit more about the ordinary cause of the problems, and turn the point of view to solve it. Also, I am trying to keep my precious relationships and try to express my thankful thoughts and feeling to them, and he did to me. 

 This small lollipop moment made me look over myself, and think of the concept of 'relationship' in this society. Then, it finally led me to change my actions.

We have all changed someone's life-- usually without even realizing it. 
- Drew Dudley
Lollipop moment is not a fancy moment to show off or intended. Just without noticing it, you are doing it, and you are receiving it.  
(One more thing to add up, it is also very important to say thank you to one who gave you the lollipop moment.)

lollipop moment에 대한 이미지 검색결과lollipop moment에 대한 이미지 검색결과


  1. Great to see you tackling the "optional" posts. Indeed a lollipop moment you describe. I sense that you type fast and could benefit from just a little bit more inspection before hitting the post button, so do get in the habit of rereading and ironing out the small wrinkles.


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