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Where I belong, Who I met, Who I am

I belong somewhere with my beloved people- my family, friends, mentors, and pets- are staying. Since I am staying in a dormitory with my friends, being apart from my family, dormitory is nearly our ‘home.’ But still, I have my ‘home’ in Seoul, where my dog and parents are staying. Also, I have my ‘hometown’ where I was born, and that could be considered as my belonging home, too. I believe that there is no particular place where I belong. Still, I can confidently show vivid memory of where I belong: A warm and cozy home with my parents, dogs, or my friends, smells or delicious dinner or chicken that is just delivered, and excited and joyful voices won’t end in that place. A warm, sweet place with people who I love there is where I belong.
Sympatico is a state of real understanding with another person, often spiritual and intellectual. It is tough to find or meet the moment that I entirely understand someone, though. I’ve experienced that ‘Sympatico’ once in my life. I’ll call him B. He is one of my best friends in KMLA, and I respect him a lot. He is diligent and comprehensive, and also he has a similar humor code with me. But over just ‘fun’ moment with, I felt true Sympatico after I talked with him about my worries and anxieties that I have about the future and my life. Then, unlike others, he just heard everything and started to say his experiences that he had similar worries with me. He didn’t give a specific solution, but he made my worries as a simple problem that we can solve. Just by hearing his honest experiences, I could understand him more, and also respect him that he got through that moment. We were similar to each other and too different from each other. And that similarities and differences made me be more engaging with my friend and get through this rough KMLA life.
“Treat others as you would have them treat you.” These words were written in my AP Calculus teacher’s office in KMLA. And whenever I saw those words, I thought about ‘treating others.’ I think the most important thing when we treat each other is to give ‘faith’ to others without faith, we cannot build real relationships, and without hope, even we are friends. We won’t trust them, and gradually, we won’t care about them that much because it is not a ‘true’ relationship. Faith is the most important value that I think exists in people’s involvement. So I will give confidence and trust to my friends and people around me so that they can genuinely believe me, trust me, and give faith to me and open their minds. Whoever it is, I will try to provide the faith to my beloved ones and show them how much I believe them, how much I trust them, and how precious they are. If they receive the faith from me, I think they will notice my honest mind and also treat as I do to them, too.
Since I am in school, so I look and observe my friends more carefully and thoroughly, but I didn’t have such an experience that I had with my cousin. She is three years older than me, and since my mom has only one sister, she was my only cousin from my mother’s family. She was always good at everything. She was good at drawing, running, writing, and even studying; however, as my aunt began to work and my sister got her younger brother after few years, she couldn’t focus on her work. She was still good at her school, but she didn’t have time to build up her interest. As time passes, it was the period that she had to decide which high-school to go to. And surprisingly, she chose to go to the art school to write novels and poems. Everyone said no because she was good at writing, but never learned or got a lesson from professional teachers as other kids do. However, she firmly stated that she would enter that school and started to find all the wiring competitions, poem competitions, and even short stories. She bought a lot of notebooks and filled all the pages with idea map, brief poems or stories, and categorized it by herself. Finally, without any help from my aunt, uncle, and even teachers, she got into art school and graduated two years ago. I never knew that her will for writing was that strong, I never knew that she was a diligent person to do the idea sketch of writing every day, and I never knew that she was such a strong person that can achieve her goal just by herself. Since I was very close to her, I saw all the procedures, checked some ideas with her, followed her writing competition, and so on. At the graduation ceremony of her high-school, I eventually realized that she is one of the most influential people I’ve ever met. Even she is working in a different field with me, I still respect her very much and try to learn her attitude to achieve the goal even when there is no support at all.
By my parents, cousin, family members, friends, and even dogs, I learn every day and think that I should develop myself so that I can become a person who can give such feelings that I’ve got from my precious people. Even I am far apart from them. I feel like they are always with me. Nevertheless, there is no particular place where I say my ‘true home’ is, I am sure that where I belong is where my beloved people are staying and sharing a relationship with me. And I would like to give and tell this meaning of ‘belonging’ to other people, and become the one who can share faith and precious memories with them and tell them they are ‘beloved,’ and tell them it’s time to share that love to other people so that the others fell that they belong to you.


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Part of my world

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