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30 things about Elin

1.     My English name is Elin. I used this name since I was in kindergarten. I often used this name until middle school, so my friends in the English academy (I met them since I was in kindergarten) called me Elin, not Saeyoung in normal life. As I came to KMLA, I rarely use this name even in English classes, though I still like my name, so I want to use it when I attend the university in the US.

2.     I love mint chocolate flavor. Some friends hate this mint flavor because they say that it has the taste of 'toothpaste,' though, I love the taste of chocolate that comes right after the fresh mint flavor. It is not my favorite ice-cream flavor, but I always include this flavor whenever I buy the big size of ice cream in Baskin-robbins.

3.     The phone I use nowadays is my first smartphone, which is available on the Internet. Since I was in 1st grade of elementary school until before I came to KMLA, I use the phone called 'Cobi' for about nine years. I never changed my phone for nine years, and surprisingly, my phone Cobi never had any breakdown or system error during that long period. 
4.     My dream is to become a pediatric surgeon who focuses on the surgery or treats on young children since I was 13 years old. After seeing the drama <Good doctor>, I first knew the doctor's profession called 'pediatric surgery,' and I got interested in that field. I like science and children and was not afraid of blood or surgery, so I thought that this job would fit perfectly for me.

5.     In my bed in the dormitory, there are lots of dolls, but there is no doll that I paid myself to buy those dolls. All of the dolls in my bed are from my friends or presents that I got, so every time I look at my dolls, they remind me of the memory with my friends who gave them. 

6.     I am a huge fan of BigBang. Since I was very young, I like Bigbang because I liked their song style and their performances. Gradually, I got interested in the group members and loved their songs and all the things they did. So I went to the concert for several times, by some goods of Bigbang (I used to take the pencil case which seems like the character of g-dragon), and on my desk, there is a light stick of BigBang. However, some of the members did immoral actions, so I am not obsessed with them as before.  

7.     I love to go to the concert of live performances, as you can see in the previous question. One of my favorite band group is Maroon 5, so I did competitive ticketing and succeeded it. So I got a chance to go to the concert when they came to Korea, and I enjoyed it.

8.     I raise a dog named 'Ford,' and he is recently six years old. He is Maltese, and he has white fur all over his body. He is brilliant, though; he usually gets afraid of strangers and hides behind my parents whenever they visit our home or me. I named him Ford because after my parents allowed me to buy me a small puppy, I was searching for some university for my assignment, and I kept saying "Stanford, Oxford, ford,,,," and I chose to name him "ford."  

9.     I was afraid of the dog when I was young because I saw my friend bitten by their dog, and also I was scared of the dog barking toward me. So when I brought my little dog, at first, I liked him, but when he came close to me, I ran to the sofa so that Ford cannot touch me. However, as time passed and I get used to him, I became close to him, and now I sleep with Ford together in my bed.

10.  I have never done a short hair cut. I don't prefer the short hairstyle because I think my round face shape will seem more roundly when I do the short hair-cut. So I usually did a long hairstyle with a curly perm or the straight perm.

11.  I’ve learned French since the winter between 6th grade in elementary school and 1st grade In middle school. I told my mom that I want to learn French because I thought that the mood and the pronunciation of French are cool and elegant, so my mom searched for some places that I could learn French. Then, I finally went to the French class, which was opened by the school of French kids, located in 서래마을. I enjoyed the course, and I am listening to the French class in KMLA, too.

12.  I've never lived in the US or another country. I traveled to some country, but I never lived there to study, or because of my parent's business as some kids do. Vision trip was my first time to visit the US! Surprisingly, I am an international kid in KMLA

13.  When I was young, I wanted to become a cook, so I helped every time whenever my mom cooked for lunch or dinner. Also, I did baking with my dad every weekend. I liked making bread, muffins, cake, cookies, and so on. I believed that I would become a great chef who cooks well and bakes well, though I gradually recognized that I am not that talented to become a cook 😊. But I still like cooking or baking!

14.  From 9~11 years old, I learned figure skating. Near my house, there is a big ice-rink and a baseball stadium, so I often went there. And then, I started to learn figure skating, and I enjoyed it. At first, I couldn't even walk on the ice, but now, I can ride fast or even spin on the ice. Also, when I learned figure skating, it was when Yuna Kim earned a gold medal in the Vancouver Winter Olympics. And luckily, I was chosen for the event of fan-meeting, and sign events, so I could meet her and get her signature on my book. I was reeeeallly happy. I regret that I didn't shake hands with her and get her autograph on my book, not on my skate.  

15.  Maybe you won’t believe this, but I was really cute and pretty when I was 6~7 years old, so I had a chance to participate in the TV program. It was a TV talk show that I liked, and my father and mother uploaded the photo when MBC opened the photo contest of the kid, and MBC called my parents to come to the studio and do some camera testing and a short interview. However, I was afraid of all the strange things and afraid of talking in front of many cameras and people. So I cried a bit and decided not to participate in that TV show. I regret my choice.

16.  I thought that I was a humanity kid before I attend to the gifted education center of math in 4th grade and science in 6th grade. Before that, my dream is to become a diplomat because I like English and languages, but after attending the gifted education center, I got interested in a STEM field and science experiments and this affected me a lot about deciding my plans.

17.  I am terrible at sports. I am a little better on winter sports, but I am a really bad runner, swimmer, and ball-player. I can swear that I tried my best, but my body doesn't follow me as I determine to do.

18.  I memo all the things that I should do or even small things that the teachers say. I use the planners for my daily schedule, but I use a lot of post-its to put it anywhere that could notice me quickly, laptops, or even on my phone to not forget the things that I should do.

19.  I am afraid of the people who wear the mascot suit since I was very young. There is no particular reason, but whenever they come close to me to say hi, I run away because I don't like them much.

20.  As I mentioned before, I am a bad swimmer. I don't like water, and I am afraid of it because when I was seven years old, I got drowned in the swimming pool because one teacher from my kindergarten wanted to make me surprise, and I fell into the swimming pool, and got drowned and drank a lot of water in the pool. After that memory, I am still afraid of the sea or swimming pool.

21.  I don't have any religion. My grandparents are Catholic, but they don't participate well in religious events except for happenings like weddings, etc. My parents don't have a particular religion, so naturally, I don't have any religion too.

22.  Before I attend to English Kindergarten, I went to Lego kindergarten when I was 4~6 years old. Unlike other young girls, I liked legos better than a pretty dress. I loved making some buildings or cars by lego, and I did play with lego continuously until 8~9years old. I even participated in the Lego League with some older boys and got the prize!

23.  I like babies and young kids a lot. Even getting tired after playing and taking care of babies, I feel happy and proud of myself. I think this is related closely to my future dreams too. 

24.  I don’t eat candy, but I like chocolates. I don’t prefer to eat candy, but chocolate is one of my favorite food. I don't like candy because when I was 6 years old, I was about to die because of candy 'cheongpodo'. My teacher gave it and I accidentally swallowed it. That candy was too big for me, so I couldn't breathe well. It was really hard to take the candy out, and after that, I got some trauma about that cheongpodo candy. 

25.  I love spicy food. I like tteokppoki, spicy ramen, and all the spicy things!

26.  I love listening to music. I don't have a specific genre that I listen to. I just have every type of music in my playlist- rock, hip-hop, ballad, classic, etc.

27.  Whenever I take a picture, I become shy, and my facial expression becomes rigid. It is so hard to get one natural, satisfying photographs or selfies. – On the other hand, I am a great photographer among my friends. Many of my friends got legend pictures from me.

28.  I learned the piano for a long time. I started to play the piano when I was 6~7years old, and I played it until I went to middle school. I believed that if I play the piano for a long time, my fingers would be longer, but it never happened. I still have a tiny hand and short fingers. 

29.  I play bass guitar in two bands of KMLA, which is FITM and Synergy. I first played bass guitar after I heard the news that I was finally accepted to KMLA, and I practiced it hard until before I get into the school. After I got into KMLA, I performed in the stage in February instead of the 11th-grade 선배, and after the actual audition, I got into two bands.

30.  I have some of the bucket lists that I want to do before I die, and one of them is to travel to Europe and Russia by Trans-Siberian Railway. 


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