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IMHO: In matters of freedom, ranging from assisted suicide to abortion, governments have zero rights to interfere

Assisted suicide to abortion, governments have no rights to interfere but have the rights to set the exact policies and systems for people to guarantee their rights safely. Assisted suicide and abortion is directly related to ‘life and death’ so it is not easy to assure that what is right or wrong. As society gradually changes, a new set of values to die while maintaining the identity and dignity of life has appeared. Also by the increasing rate of sexual harassment and the neonatal abandonment, people started to argue that abortion should be considered as another right to freedom, not illegal actions. 
Some argue that abortion or euthanasia methods are feared to be abused, and would rather undermine the dignity of life. The moment abortion and euthanasia are legalized, human beings themselves will be given the right to decide death, then the notion of death and the boundary between life and death will rather shrink. Then which side should the government support?
Despite the worries of abusement, I believe that every people has a right of freedom to choose what they want to do, and the term ‘right of freedom’ will also include abortion and assisted suicide. The government should not interfere with the right of freedom of abortion and assisted suicide, however, they should set the policies and such systems that prevent people from abusing the actions under the name of freedom. It's because abortion and assisted suicide can become a tool to accomplish the value of dying and dignity of life, nevertheless, it can also become a mean to kill such precious life in a single decision. Governments should not be the wall for people to make their own choices, however, they should be the wall that blocks the abuse and an irresponsible attitude toward life.

abortion에 대한 이미지 검색결과assisted suicide에 대한 이미지 검색결과


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