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Part of my world

part of your world from the little mermaid에 대한 이미지 검색결과Wanderin' free

Wish I could be

Part of that world

[ ♪ Part of your world ♪ ]

I was a little girl who extremely loved the Little Mermaid, Ariel, the princess from the Disney film. That young girl saw the play <The Little Mermaid> in Disney land, 7 times without any movement. The girl grew up and still has the phone case of Ariel. And as you may think of, the young girl is me, Seyoung Lee. So now, I want to tell you about what's in part of my world.

Leaving from my hometown in Mokdong, it has been about 1 year and a half staying as a student of KMLA. As I stay here, in KMLA, I could think over again about who am I, and the things I like. I believe those things what I like, what I am interested in, can explain myself better than just introducing myself with the normal information.
I like movies, music- including playing musical instruments. As I mentioned before, the movie <The Little Mermaid> is the first movie that I was really into it. After this, I started to watch various genres of movies, and now I like most of the movies except the movies about ghosts, or horrifying stories. There are lots of movies that I like, but among them, my favorite movies are <Les miserable> and Marvel series. I enjoy movies that include music in it, and <Les Miserable> is one of the musical movies. I cried a lot while watching it, also I loved the songs of the movies. Also, Marvel Series is my favorite movie series. I was fascinated by watching Iron Man series at first and then moved on to the Avengers. I kept watching the previous series of the Marvel characters, and now I am a big fan of Marvel. Still, my favorite character is Ironman, but I love the whole storylines of the movie series.
Also, I play bass in school band SYNERGY and FITM. I started playing bass right after I got the certificate of entrance in KMLA, so it has not been that long since I started to play that instrument. However, I enjoy playing it, and also participating as a member of the band in school. It was an amazing experience to be on the big stage, making harmony with my friends even we weren't that professional.
School interview of KMLA asked my dream, and I answered that my dream is to become a pediatric surgeon. Many people in Korea and even my friends do not know much about what a pediatric surgeon is. Pediatric Surgeon is the surgeon who especially treats kids including teenagers, so they need more accurate operation skills and efforts during working as a surgeon.
I decided to become a pediatric surgeon after reading a book from Dr. Gyeong-cheol Park, and watching drama called <Good Doctor>. Those two things made me think of becoming a doctor would fit me well as a future job. I was interested in STEMs, especially in chemistry and biology. After I did dissection experiments, I thought I wanted to become a surgeon. So what department could I work for? I wanted to become a surgeon, and I loved kids and babies.
Those multiple factors affected me a lot to finally decided ‘pediatric surgeon' as my future dream. No one can assure that I will become a pediatric surgeon, but at least, I am trying to believe in me to achieve my dream. And KMLA, friends, teachers, and my family are giving infinite help and courage that makes me move on toward my future.

Youth is the period of your life when you are young, or the state of being young. But not only just being ‘young', I think youth also has the meaning of ‘possibility and opportunity'. Youth is the only time which we can freely think, and draw the things on the wide sketchbook. We don't need to follow the line on the sketchbook, otherwise, we can paint over it, or use that line to create another shape on white paper.
And I think I am in the middle of the period of my ‘youth' and it is the time to think of who am I, what I am good at, what I like, and what I did until now. Through writing this introduction of my blog, I could arrange what's in my world, and what I am doing during my youth.
I want this blog to work as a record of my youth, life, and the organized form of my world.


  1. Good informative post and says a lot about you and where you hope to be. I like that you write a lot and seem very focused on practicing your writing and improving. To do that, I think focusing on concision (fewer words, fewer sentences, same content) will help. You tend to have some wordy sentences ("movie" mentioned many times in the same paragraph as an example) that can be shortened and combined for better flow and dynamic writing. That said, your content is good and you have a lot to say. Keep up the blogging.


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