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Memory- I remember

               I remember the day she first participated as a candidate for a class president in my 1st grade of elementary school. I remember the young girl shivering and so embarrassed to say a word in front of people even she went out for the election. I remember her whole school year participating in the school and class president election even I was so scared, and I remember every emotion that she felt after elected as a class president finally, in my whole school years. I remember, and I know that the girl will challenge again even with the anxiety of the election and the public. Ant that is me.
           Why are you on the podium again even if you are so nervous to talk in front of people? And why are you doing that every time? Aren’t you scared or tired of those events and your anxious feelings? You were the girl who is so nervous to be in front of people and it was really hard to make a joke with the public in front of the podium, different from other people. In the first year of KMLA, you decided to participate in the election of the student council. However, you failed. It was your first time to fail with the election, so you felt sad but also complex feelings of what is the problem or the solutions that can overcome yourself. You knew that you become nervous a lot when you stand in front of the public. But why are you keep challenging and participate in the election? The answer is one thing. Even you are so nervous and anxious about the whole events, the mind that you want to become ‘someone’ who can lead other people or someone that is special, was much bigger than your anxiety. You never wanted to miss a year without doing anything and just live a typical normal life. You knew that every time you say that you will go to participate in the election, one of your inner voices says ‘go-ahead’ while the other side says ‘you will going to be nervous again and mess up’. There are more people who are not nervous and have pride in themselves. They are not easy people to win, you know? However, the inner voice that tries to stop you cannot win the side that pushes you again to come up in front of the podium and says to pick you up as the president or a member of the student council. You know the answer will always be ‘go-ahead’, so you thought a lot about the solutions to improve yourself when you participate in those events.
           Maybe the answer will be really simple. Just prepare a lot for the evets- I know myself a lot, that I become more nervous when the random situation suddenly comes up to me and make me deal with them. Not to be confused or win up the works you did because of the sudden situation, the answer, ability, works, and other things that I should do when I am elected. One of the best ways to prepare for the elections or events was to think and do the image training before the real events. Maybe this also gave me confidence and feel that I would really achieve the thing that I did with image training and as if I become the president. Also, the most important thing I learned during preparing to become a ‘prepared person’, is that you need to know yourself exactly and find some pride in it. Maybe it is not also easy for me to answer the question which asks ‘what is your strongest advantage of yourself?’ However, I mean that we should be prepared for the question ‘who are you.’ Nobody could answer this question instead of me. That’s the point. I should always be aware of myself and know exactly about me. This thought helped me a lot to get confidence, support my decisions to challenge again in every event, and finally become a ‘prepared person’ at any time, any place with any situations. I cannot declare that I am not nervous nowadays when I talk in front of the public, but I know that I won’t make a mistake or show the fake me or make a fake answer to the questions that were asked toward me.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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