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Letter from 2019 --> 2020

Dear Futureme,

Hi! I cannot believe that 2 years have passed after getting the permission of enrollment to this school, KMLA. I thought that 3 years of middle school was the most chaotic moment of my life, but after becoming a freshman, and sophomore of KMLA, I bet I was wrong.

Today, on the morning of November 14, 2019, I woke up early to cheer the 22nd wavers’ KSAT. Maybe, when you get this letter in 2020, you are going to cheer your friends and wish them good luck on the test. You will be helping your friends move the luggage to the bus. Right? Just to be honest, I have done nothing, but the time runs too fast.

This year, 2019, was the harshest and chaotic year in my life. Thanks to that, I’ve also learned a lot of things, though I don’t remember exactly how I used this year, and how I overcame all the harsh moments I had. After elected as a vice president of the legislative council, you needed to deal with lots of school problems, take AP tests for the first time in your life, register and take the ACT, prepare for some competitions, and simultaneously, you needed to take care of your GPA. For some other people, they would think that it was just the happening that passes through, but for you, who are reading this letter in 2020, I hope you will remember 2019 as a year with no regrets. I hope 2020 will be also like that, too.I think I have learned lots of things in this school. When you are getting this letter, it will be your senior year, so there will be more things that you would handle, but even now, in 2019, I feel that I’ve changed a lot. I didn’t cry in front of other people, but now I do (a little), I didn’t tell my serious, deep stories to other people, but know I’ve learned how to show my emotions and tell my honest stories to my friends. Maybe in 2020, you are a more honest and stronger person, right?

KMLA is a small society, but also a very big society. It will be the same in the future or now, I think the relationship between people is the most complicated problem. (+ OH also my grades too LOL)The person who was very precious to you, can turn around and leave, or you can be betrayed by them. Because of those people, you cried a lot, and got angry for the first time… But after those people are gone, you made more deep precious relationships and met new people who became another great supporter and companion to you. Seeing that, the relationship between people is unpredictable haha. Even this year, you met a lot of good new people. I hope you meet those people even you graduate because they are so good people in your life.

Maybe, the day you are receiving this letter, you will be waiting for the result of early admission or writing another common app for the university. I hope you are doing well and applying for the colleges that you want to go to. Right?

Honestly, I don’t know what to say in this letter cause watching and receiving this letter can be another suppression for you on busy days because I wrote so many expectations in this letter. just hope you enjoy this letter and get good results from anything you do.

I want to say just a few things on this letter, and for the future of 2020. Don't regret what's gone by. Seyoung you are doing well enough now, and you've done well. If you’ve achieved what you wanted and did what you want it would have been a happy enough for three years.Then, about health, and family.It's probably your family who will be there for you no matter what. Realize the importance of your family and be good to your parents who have supported you so far. I am grateful that I was born as the only daughter and grew up full of love. Please remember that you are here, writing this letter and reading this letter because there were your parents who respect any choice, and led me to do what I wanted and achieve those things.Lastly, I want to say hello to me, who is writing this now, to me in 2018 and to me in 2020 who will be reading this. You've worked so hard, no matter what the result is, you'll be someone who can be told you that you've done your best.

I just want to end this letter with a few Korean words.

2018년이든, 2019년이든, 2020년이든, 올해도 수고했어


  1. Nice letter. I'm sure it will produce some emotional impact and give some boost to your life next year.


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